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Media conferences 04.07.2018

Kosova Democratic Institute (KDI) held today a press conference during which were presented the results of the public opinion poll regarding the final phase of the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue and current issues that were lately addressed by political parties such as early elections.

On this occasion, Violeta Haxholli from KDI has announced that regarding the question to the citizens of Kosovo on what they expect to contain the final agreement within the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, 61% of them have stated that they expect this agreement to contain recognition of the state of Kosovo by Serbia, 56% Kosovo’s membership in the UN, 22% the exchange of territories between Kosovo and Serbia, 25% extended autonomy for Kosovo Serbs.

In addition, citizens were asked about the viability of the results of this agreement. Based on the poll, Haxholli said that 97% of the citizens surveyed stated that they would accept that the outcome of the final phase talks would be recognition of the state of Kosovo by Serbia. However, all citizens from the Albanian community accept this option, while 91% of the Serb community stated that they would not accept the recognition of the state of Kosovo by Serbia.

While Jeta Krasniqi from KDI emphasized that on the question of who should lead the Kosovo negotiation team in talks with Serbia, 44% of the citizens surveyed stated that the President of Kosovo should lead the team, 31% of them think that it should be led by opposition leaders and 25% are of the opinion that the negotiating team in talks with Serbia should be led by the Prime Minister of Kosovo.

Asked if Kosovo citizens think that the final agreement between Kosovo and Serbia will ultimately remove Serbia’s influence from Kosovo, Krasniqi has revealed that 48% of respondents think that this will not happen with the final agreement.

Krasniqi stressed that citizens were asked if they would vote if parliamentary elections were to be held next Sunday. 45.3% said they would definitely vote, 29.8% would probably vote, 6.9% likely would not vote, 8.8% would definitely not vote, 3.2% declared they did not know, and 6.1% refused to respond .

Asked about which political party to vote, only the votes cast: 30.8% gave votes for the Democratic League of Kosovo, 23% for the Democratic Party of Kosovo, 21.2% for the Vetevendosje Movement, 10.4% for the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, 6.3% Social Democratic Initiative, 2.4% Social Democratic Party, 2% Serb List and 4.1% others.

There are 11.6% of respondents who have refused to answer this question.