
DiA launches the awareness campaign #AsUne


The coalition of non-governmental organizations for election observation “Democracy in Action” (DiA) is making all preparations for the observation of the Early Parliamentary Elections of 11 June 2017 and has launched the awareness campaign #AsUne (#NeitherI).

This was announced today during a press conference by the executive director of the Kosovo Democratic Institute (KDI), Ismet Kryeziu and Mjellma Hapçiu-Alijaj from Democracy for Development (D4D).

Kryeziu emphasized that since the announcement of the elections, DiA has engaged in education campaigns for young people, women and non-majority communities, observation of the work of the CEC including the Municipal Election Commissions and will continue in the days ahead with observing the election campaign, monitoring of media reports, observation of election process on election day, counting of votes, recording of irregularities and filing complaints with the ECAP.

He also announced that the process will be monitored at the Counting Center and the results until the results are certified.

“For this process, DiA I will recruit 60 long-term election observers, and on the election’s day, June 11th, DiA will be engaged with 2,700 observers Kosovo wide to monitor the process of opening polling stations, voting procedures, polling stations closure, as well as the procedures for counting and delivering results.

We will also have a Call Center with around 150 volunteers from where the collected data from the field will be processed and from which our entire communication will be held with the public and the media. We as DiA remain committed to contribute to increasing the transparency and integrity of the electoral process”, he added.

Regarding the awareness campaign “#NeitherI (#AsUne) will vote for corrupt candidates” Mjellma Hapçiu-Alijaj of D4D, announced that through the #AsUne (#NeitherI) is aimed to influence the political parties not to include in the electoral rolls candidates involved in corruption affairs, or to whom an indictment for corruption has been filed, or that there are just penalties from the court's first instance.

“Persons accused of corruption do not belong on the electoral rolls and cannot represent citizens in the Assembly to make decisions for them. At the same time, we want to raise the awareness of the citizens of Kosovo not to vote for those accused of corruptive offenses if they are included in the lists of candidates of the political party”, she added.