Today, KDI organized a meeting between representatives of the Committee on Budget, Labor and Transfers, the Committee on Public Finance Oversight and representatives from the Czech branch of Transparency International to exchange experiences regarding the field of financial transparency of political entities.
Part of this meeting were the representatives of the parliamentary groups in the two above mentioned parliamentary committees, Mrs. Yllza Hoti and Mr. Eman Rrahmani from LVV, Mr. Mërgim Lushtaku from PDK, Mrs. Hykmete Bajrami from LDK, Mr. Pal Lekaj from AAK.
The purpose of this meeting was to discuss issues related to the financing of political entities such as: how to distribute funding within the party for candidates / MPs, the issue of individual funding, financial support of women within political parties, the need for opening and making public the bank accounts of political parties, the issue of the selection of auditors by the Assembly to audit the expenditures of political entities during the election process.
On the other hand, the representatives from IT Czech Republic, Ondreji Okal and Vaclav Krejcar informed the MPs that they are part of the two above-mentioned committees regarding the good practices of regulating the financial transparency of political entities that could be included in the Law, which regulates this issue.
This meeting was organized with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic in the framework of the Transition Promotion Program through the SE.S.TRA project. implemented in cooperation with Transparency International Czech Republic.