

News 10.03.2021

Be part of the competition for the best essay written by  young people aged 18-26 from all cities of Kosovo.

Topic: How can EU funds be used for the benefit of the community in which you live?

Why you should apply?

Through this competition, we want to provide a platform for young people to share with us their creative ideas on how the EU funds can be better placed in the service of the community to which they belong.

Prizes will be awarded for the best three essays.

First place – 300 EUR

Second place – 200 EUR

Third place – 100 EUR

Your essay will be evaluated by a professional Jury, who will make sure, among other things, that the works are creative and authorial and not copied. The winning essays will be published on the KDI website and on all our social networks.

Application procedures:

The essay must be written in Albanian or Serbian and must have a maximum of 750 words and be divided into three stages: introduction, elaboration and conclusion.

Those interested should send their essays in Word or PDF format to email: [email protected] and include: Name; Municipality and Telephone Number.

The competition is open until April 09, 2021.


Clause: Any dispute that may arise in connection with this competition will be handled in accordance with the Laws of the Republic of Kosovo. The price amounts are subject to income tax.


This activity is realized within the project “Promotion of common European values”, supported by the European Commission Program ‘Europe for Citizens’ and implemented by KDI together with three partner organizations, Transparency International in Hungary, in Macedonia and the organization Forums and Experts in Romania.


Postanite deo konkursa za najbolji esej koji ste napisali Vi mladi starosti od 18 do 26 godina iz svih gradova Kosova.

Tema: Kako se sredstva EU mogu koristiti ya dobro zajednice u kojoj živite?

Zašto trba da se prijaviš?

Kroz ovaj konkurs, želimo da pružimo jednu platformu za mlade da sa nama podele svoje kreativne ideje o tome kako bolje koristiti EU fondove u funkciji zajednice kojoj pripadaju.

Za tri najbolja eseja dodeli?e se nagrade.

Prvo mesto – 300 EUR

Drugo mesto – 200 EUR

Tre?e mesto – 100 EUR

Vaš esej ocenjiva?e profesionalni žiri, koji ?e se, izme?u ostalog, pobrinuti da radovi budu kreativni i autorski, a ne kopirani. Pobedni?ki eseji bi?e objavljeni na veb stranici KDI-a i na svim našim društvenim mrežama.

Procedure prijavljivanja:

Esej mora biti napisan na albanskom ili srpskom jeziku i imati najviše 750 re?i i biti podeljen u tri etape: uvod, razrada i zaklju?ak.

Zainteresovani treba da pošalju svoje eseje u word ili PDF na e-mail: [email protected] i da uklju?i: Ime; Naslov eseja; Opština i Broj telefona.

Konkurs je otvoren do 09. aprila 2021. godine.

Klauzula: Svaki sporo koji može nastati u vezi sa ovim takmi?enjem bi?e rešen u skladu sa zakonima Republike Kosovo. Iznosi nagrada podležu porezu na dobit.

Ova aktivnost se realizuje u okviru projekta „Promocija zajedni?kih evropskih vrednosti“ koji podržava Program Evropske komisije ’Evropa za gra?ane’.