
Roundtable on Municipal regulations and gender perspective


While two important municipal regulations are put out for public review, on November 13, 2015 in Prizren, KDI organized a meeting with the legislative women's caucus and civil society organizations to review the legislation from a gender perspective.

Group discussions resulted in concrete amendments which would advance municipal legislation that promotes strengthening the gender element and improve the quality of life for the citizens of the municipality.

Regarding the municipal regulation “on tariffs, fees and fines from municipal activities” the group recommended complete removal of the municipal tax of 100 Euros per year for women and girls who attend ” higher education ” in order to encourage them to complete secondary education and  prepare them enter in labor market. It is believed that the number of citizens who have dropped out secondary school for various reasons is considerable.

Participants gave their suggestions also regarding the regulation “on allocation of decorations.” They demanded that regulation includes a specific provision that warrants equal opportunities for women and men while giving out the decorations by the Municipality of Prizren.
These two regulations are expected to proceeded and be adopted in one of the upcoming Municipal Assembly sessions of Prizren.