

Roundtable 02.12.2020

Today, the Kosovo Democratic Institute (KDI) held the online discussion “Assembly in the face of Kosovo-Serbia dialogue”, which was attended by members of parliamentary groups of the Assembly of Kosovo, as well as representatives of civil society.

In the introduction of the discussion, Jeta Krasniqi, project manager at KDI, spoke about the work and activities of KDI in order to increase the transparency of the dialogue process, as well as the accountability of the executive to the public on this issue.

During the discussion, the analysis “Strengthening parliamentary oversight of the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue” was presented, which provides an overview of how the Assembly has exercised its oversight role over the dialogue so far, and provides specific recommendations for members of the Assembly to more effectively fulfil their oversight mandate over this process.

Violeta Haxholli, author of the paper in question, stressed the need to strengthen the Assembly as the highest oversight body of the foreign policy and dialogue with Serbia, given that the dialogue is one of the most important processes our country is going through. She highlighted that the process of the dialogue with Serbia continues to be one of the main causes of disagreements and heated debates in the Assembly. Haxholli added “Given that the issue of dialogue with Serbia goes beyond party interests, parliamentary parties should try to build a common position on the approach to Serbia and dialogue in particular. A common position of a wider political spectrum would strengthen the Assembly’s oversight role over the dialogue process”.

On the other hand, the members of the Assembly expressed their perspective on the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue in general, as well as the role that the Assembly should have in relation to this process. During this discussion, the great differences that exist between the parliamentary political parties regarding this process were identified as well.

Fitore Pacolli-Dalipi from the parliamentary group of Vetëvendosje Movement stated that the oversight of the Assembly towards the Government could not be effective due to the approach of the government, which has reported just for show, while in many cases there has been conditionality of reports of ministers or the prime minister, whether in the duration or content of the questions. According to her, when the Assembly is non-functional, new parliamentary elections are needed, while until the formation of a new legitimate government, the dialogue process should be interrupted.

Whereas, Faton Bislimi, MP from the parliamentary group of Democratic League of Kosovo emphasized that the dialogue process between Kosovo and Serbia should be a burden of all institutions and political parties in the country, and not just the Government or any particular party. Bislimi brought up the need to form a special commission for the dialogue process, which would represent all parliamentary groups, and, as a mechanism, would be the first line of the Assembly’s oversight front in relation to the Government and the negotiating team.

Even Blerta Deliu-Kodra, from the other opposition party, the Democratic Party of Kosovo, stated that the dialogue process has lost attention, which has in particular shifted to the recent developments with the Special Court. MP Deliu-Kodra reiterated that with its fragility, the Government has no chance to reach an international agreement that can be brought to and approved by the Assembly, therefore, according to her, a compromise between the political forces in the country is necessary. “The reports of the executive were done to merely fulfil an obligation, but we as MPs have not received anything concrete in terms of topics discussed or raised by MPs,” she added.

On the other hand, Time Kadrijaj, as a PM from AAK and, at the same time, Chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs, stressed that after the latest developments, the dialogue should be interrupted until the creation of better conditions for its resumption. According to her, the dialogue process cannot resume, while the exhumation of the bodies of missing persons is underway in Serbia.

Other participants of this discussion raised the issue of establishing the Association of Serb Municipalities, topics and issues for which consensus can be reached, as well as what our institutions have done for the fact that almost 1/3 of missing persons are non-Albanians. The panellists agreed that the Association of Serb Municipalities could not be established without fully complying with the judgement of the Constitutional Court, the laws and the Constitution of Kosovo, and demanded that the issue of missing persons be resolved as soon as possible, regardless of their ethnicity, calling on the international community to put pressure on Serbia to reveal the location of these mass graves.

The discussion was organized in the framework of the project “Promotion of a well-informed and participatory process in the final phase of the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue” supported by the Embassy of Switzerland and the Embassy of Germany in Kosovo. This discussion took place in full compliance with the measures of the relevant institutions for preventing and combating the pandemic.

You can follow the full discussion here, while a brief chronicle of this event can be followed here. You can also download here the KDI analysis “Strengthening parliamentary oversight of the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue”.

Serbian version:


Demokratski institut Kosova (KDI) održao je danas online diskusiju „Stav Skupštine o dijalogu izme?u Kosova i Srbije“, na kojoj su u?estvovali poslanici parlamentarnih grupa Skupštine Kosova, kao i predstavnici civilnog društva.

U uvodu u diskusiju, Jeta Krasniqi, menadžer projekta u KDI-u, govorila je o radu i aktivnostima KDI-a u funkciji pove?anja transparentnosti u procesu dijaloga, kao i odgovornosti izvršne vlasti u odnosu na javnost o ovom pitanju.

Tokom diskusije, predstavljena je analiza „Osnaživanje parlamentarnog nadzora dijaloga izme?u Kosova i Srbije“, koja prikazuje pregled onoga kako je Skupština vršila svoju ulogu nadzora prema dijalogu do sada, kao i daje konkretne preporuke poslanicima Skupštine za efikasno ispunjavanje njihovog nadzornog mandata prema ovom procesu.

Violeta Haxholli, autorka navedenog istraživanja, ocenila je potrebu za osnaživanjem Skupštine, kao najviši nadzorni organ spoljne politike i dijaloga sa Srbijom, imaju?i u vidu da je dijalog jedan od najvažnijih procesa kroz koji prolazi naša zemlja. Ona je naglasila da proces dijaloga sa Srbijom nastavlja da bude jedan od glavnih uzroka neslaganja i žu?nih rasprava u Skupštini. „Imaju?i u vidu da pitanje dijaloga sa Srbijom je više od strana?kog interesa, parlamentarne stranke treba da pokušaju da izgrade zajedni?ki stav o pristupu prema Srbiji i naro?ito prema dijalogu. Zajedni?ki stav šireg politi?kog spektra osnažio bi samu nadzornu ulogu Skupštine prema procesu dijaloga“ dodala je Haxholli.

S druge strane, poslanici Skupštine su izrazili njihova gledišta u vezi dijaloga izme?u Kosova i Srbije uopšteno, kao i o ulozi koju Skupština treba da ima u odnosu na ovaj proces. I tokom ove diskusije, uo?ene su velike razlike koje postoje izme?u parlamentarnih politi?kih stranaka o ovom procesu.

Fitore Pacolli-Dalipi iz parlamentarne grupe Pokreta Samoopredeljenje, izjavila je da nadzor Skupštine prema Vladi nije mogao da bude efikasan zbog pristupa vlade, koja je izveštavala samo radi reda, a u mnogim slu?ajevima izveštavanja ministara ili premijera su bila uslovljena, bilo vremenski ili sadržajem pitanja. Prema njenim re?ima, u situaciji kada je Skupština nefunkcionalna, potrebni su novi parlamentarni izbori, a dok se ne formira nova legitimna vlada, potrebno je prekinuti proces dijaloga.

S druge strane, Faton Bislimi, poslanik iz redova parlamentarne grupe Demokratskog saveza Kosova, ocenio je da proces dijaloga izme?u Kosova i Srbije treba da bude odgovornost svih institucija i politi?kih stranaka u zemlji, a ne samo Vlade ili odre?ene politi?ke stranke. Bislimi je iskazao potrebu za formiranjem posebne komisije za proces dijaloga, gde bi bile predstavljene sve parlamentarne grupe, koja bi kao mehanizam bila na prvoj lini nadzornog fronta Skupštine u odnosu na Vladu i pregovara?ki tim.

I poslanica Blerta Deliu-Kodra, iz redova još jedne opozicione politi?ke stranke, Demokratske partije Kosova, izjavila je da je proces dijaloga izgubio interesovanje, naro?ito nakon poslednjih doga?aja sa Specijalnim sudom. Poslanica Deliu-Kodra je ponovo istakla da ovako krhka Vlada nema nikakvu mogu?nost da postigne me?unarodni sporazum koji može biti donet i usvojen u Skupštini, zbog toga je neophodan, prema njenim re?ima, kompromis izme?u politi?kih snaga u zemlji. „Izveštavanja izvršne vlasti su bile više formalnog karaktera, ali mi kao poslanici nismo dobili ništa konkretno što se ti?e tema o kojima se razgovaralo i koje su pokrenute od strane poslanika“ dodala je ona.

S druge strane, Time Kadrijaj, kao poslanica ABK-a i istovremeno predsednica Parlamentarne komisije za spoljne poslove, naglasila je da nakon poslednjih doga?aja, dijalog je potrebno prekinuti, dok se ne stvore bolji uslovi za njegov ponovni po?etak. Prema njenim re?ima, ne može se nastaviti sa procesom dijaloga, u vreme kada se u Srbiji vrše iskopavanja tela nestalih lica.

Iz redova ostalih u?esnika na ovoj diskusiji, pokrenuto je pitanje formiranja Zajednice opština sa srpskom ve?inom, teme i pitanja o kojima se može posti?i konsenzus, kao i o tome šta su uradile naše institucije u vezi ?injenice da skoro 1/3 nestalih lica nisu Albanci. U?esnici panela su se složili da Zajednica opština sa srpskom ve?inom se ne može formirati dok ne bude u potpunosti u skladu sa presudom Ustavnog suda, zakonima i Ustavom Kosova, a tražili su da pitanje nestalih lica bude što pre rešeno, bez obzira na njihovu etni?ku pripadnost, traže?i da me?unarodna zajednica izvrši pritisak nad Srbijom, koja treba da otkrije lokacije ovih masovnih grobnica.

Diskusija je organizovana u okviru projekta „Promovisanje dobro obaveštenog i inkluzivnog procesa u finalnoj fazi dijaloga izme?u Kosova i Srbije“ koji podržava Švajcarska i Nema?ka ambasada na Kosovu. Ova diskusija je održana uz potpuno poštovanje mera relevantnih institucija za spre?avanje i suzbijanje pandemije.

Kompletnu diskusiju možete pratiti ovde, a kratku hroniku ovog doga?aja možete pratiti ovde. Tako?e, analizu KDI-a: „Osnaživanje parlamentarnog nadzora dijaloga izme?u Kosova i Srbije“ možete preuzeti ovde.