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Kosova Democratic Institute (KDI) presents a catalogue of issues for the Municipality of Kamenica, which includes problems faced by citizens and prioritizes some of the essential issues that need to be included in the budget planning of municipalities for 2020.

As a result of field research, problems in road infrastructure, sewerage network, drinking water supply, public transport, condition of schools, waste management, public lighting and health services have been identified in this municipality.

Almost all settlements need intervention in road infrastructure.

The problem with water supply appears to be the primary problem needing intervention. Many villages such as: Busavata, Krileva, Strezoc, and other mountain villages, express their concern about the issue of drinking water.

Meanwhile, the poor condition of schools is expressed in many localities of the Municipality of Kamenica. In 35 surveys conducted in 21 localities (14 schools), residents express their dissatisfaction with the condition of schools.

Because of the large territory and scattered population, providing transport in the Municipality of Kamenica, according to the residents, would make life easier in remote villages, thus reducing migration from village to city.

You can find all the details on these issues in the Municipality of Kamenica in the catalogue attached below, whereas, in the following day, KDI will publish the catalogue of the 9 other municipalities investigated.

Moreover, the catalogue of issues was prepared during the period of April-June 2019. A total of 275 settlements (villages/neighbourhoods) have been visited during this period of time. The purpose of this catalogue is to raise civic and institutional awareness of the importance of citizen participation in public consultations with municipal officials.