Kosova Democratic Institute (KDI) appreciates the constructive approach of political entities to the constitution of the Assembly without delay on December 26 of the year we left, however, the institutional framework based on the results of the October 6, 2019 election remains incomplete. Given that the country has been led by a Government in resignation for more than six months, we consider that formation of the new Government is urgent. Since 100 days have passed since the elections, a process that was conducted in accordance with democratic standards and accepted with legitimate results, KDI demands from the LVV, as the winning political entity of the elections, to find a quick solution for the formation of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo in taking over the constitutional and legal duties and responsibilities.
Any delay in materializing the political will and confidence of the citizens will negatively affect addressing issues that requires immediate treatment, such as budget adoption, the rule of law and economic development.