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Feedback 26.04.2019

Honorable President of the Republic of Kosovo, Mr. Hashim Thaci,

Honorable Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Mr. Ramush Haradinaj,

Through this open letter, Kosova Democratic Institute (KDI) thanks you for continued cooperation, and reminds you that your participation in the Berlin meeting without an agreed institutional approach could damage the position of the Republic of Kosovo in relation to the participants of this the meeting in particular, and in relation to international relations in general. Your public statements over the last months reveal substantial differences regarding the final stage of dialogue and the 100% tariff on the products of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Addressing our concern about the lack of an agreed institutional position on the issues to be discussed at this meeting, we consider that Kosovo risks to appear as an unserious state and without a clear vision for the further journey towards European integration, where normalization of relations with Serbia is a key element of this process.

The Berlin Summit, in which you are invited to represent the Republic of Kosovo at the level of the President and the Prime Minister of the country, represents one of the most important initiatives for promoting regional cooperation among the Western Balkan states, as well as guaranteeing of stability in this region. Given that relations between Kosovo and Serbia are at the heart of the EU’s engagement, recent developments around the final phase of the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue will inevitably be part of the discussion at this Summit. Considering that the normalization of Kosovo-Serbia relations is seen as the last open issue in the Western Balkans, following the resolution of the name dispute between North Macedonia and Greece, within the framework of the EU’s foreign policy sphere in this Summit, Kosovo and Serbia will be encouraged to continue the dialogue on normalization of relations.

KDI, through this open public letter, calls on you as the highest state representative in this Summit to present the state of Kosovo with a unique voice regarding the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue process and issues related to this process. A coordinated institutional approach that reflects citizens’ will would directly affect the strengthening of Kosovo’s negotiating position vis-à-vis Serbia, and would convey a clear message to EU member states that Kosovo is responsibly handling all international obligations.