The European Commission report on Kosovo has been a fine reminder to Kosovo Institutions about the obligations that they shall complete; hence Kosovo prospers in European integration process.
The general assessment of the report states the slow progress of the state in European Reform Agenda. Similar to years before, Kosovo is trapped in ‘’the early stage’’ on the fight against corruption and organised crime, judiciary reform, public administration reform or the compliance with the European standards.
According to findings of this report, Kosova Democratic Institute gives recommendations to the responsible institutions of the sectors that fall under our organisation purview, for improving the situation as follows:
Rule of Law and fight against Corruption:
The report confirms the worries addressed previously from KDI, related to the institutions engagement in the fight against corruption.
Extension of corruption in all levels, the political influence of the government in the justice system and the lack of capacities in institutions of law enforcement prevents completion of the corruption cases. Consequently the lack of impunity remains a key factor that withholds the progress.
KDI through 15 points reminded to institutions the concrete necessary actions that they should undertake in order to be more efficient on improving the current situation.
Law on preventing conflict of interest, rewritten and recently approved from the parliament of Kosovo was an effort to adapt it with European standards which failed to regulate the issue of suspension and dismissal of public officials accused for corruption.
Finances of political parties and their expenses during the campaign continue to be characterised with low level of transparency which leaves the democratic processes vulnerable against corruption and outside influences.
The recent reports of external auditor of political party finances have confirmed heavy breaches of legislations and lack of financial scrutiny.
Law on protection of informants is not yet in compliance with international standards. There is a need to improve and better regulate mechanisms and requests of protection of informants in legislation but also in practice.
The work of Kosovo parliament:
European Commission report on Kosovo depicts in objective manner the work of Kosovo parliament, by emphasizing the abnormalities in the work of the highest institution of the country.
This report, amongst others confirms KDI findings from the continuous observation of Parliaments work. In these findings it is concluded that the parliament in general should significantly improve its performance as a constructive forum for political dialogue and representation.
The frequent absences by parliament members in parliament meetings and the extreme polarization among political parliamentary subjects have impacted the work of the parliament. On a greater scale this reflects in basic functionality of the parliament.
To overcome these problems, there is a greater need of a political agreement among parliamentary subjects, especially when it comes to issues related to the European agenda of the country.
Exercising an effective surveillance to the executive and the independent agencies would improve the performance of the parliament in a greater scale.
Parliament members should take seriously their legislative and representative role. They should be oriented towards completing their mandate, and not serve as a hinder factor in the road of Kosovo to EU.
Kosovo – Serbia Dialogue:
On behalf of requests that came out of European Commission report related to Kosovo-Serbia dialogue and implementation of agreements that were product of this dialogue, Kosovo institutions should assure that establishing the association of Serbian municipalities is a process that complies with our laws and constitution.
When it comes to implementation of energy agreement, Mitrovica Bridge and building four custom points between two states, Kosovo has completed its obligations. The delays and obstructions are caused by the state of Serbia, is said on the report.
Along with findings of this report, Serbia should stop cutting Kosovo in regional forums, should re-establish the custom structures that designate ‘’Kosovo’’ and operate inside Serbia, and issuance of such custom stamps that are not in compliance with the agreement.
KDI evaluates that Kosovo institutions should continue to fulfil their obligations according to the agreements achieved with the dialogue, having continuously in mind that the implementation of these obligations should be in compliance with Kosovo laws and constitution.
Kosovo should continue the practice of reporting the delays and obstructions caused by Serbia to EU, whom should pressure and put extra conditions to Serbia for implementing these agreements.
European Commission report for Kosovo, when it comes to elections the parliamentary and local ones that were held during 2017, states that they were competitive and well administered in most of the municipalities of Kosovo. There was exclusion by the municipalities that are mostly populated with Serbian community, where there were threats to the candidates that were not from the Lista Serbe, reports which came from the observation of Democracy in Action during the election process.
Besides the progress in organising elections, the European Commission report stressed a series of weaknesses that are related to financing the political subjects, low women inclusion in election and politics, incorrect voting lists and a weak voting system for citizens that live outside of the country.
Furthermore, European Commission has requested from the whole political spectre to show the will to finish the necessary election reforms before organising the next general elections.
KDI continuously requested to have a closure of the process of election reform, clean the voting lists and create a suitable environment for women that want to participate in the political life.
During the election observance from Democracy in Action, it is found that women candidates, on less than 20% of the campaigns, had the chance to address their political programs to the public.
As crucially important is the effective regulation of political subject’s finances and their campaigns, because there is no observance and systematic control in this field.